The Champions Club - Vind et par: Vinderne

Hver måned finder vi en ny heldig vinder af et par Victory Pants blandt alle nye medlemmer i vores gratis klub, The Champions Club. Her er dem, der har vundet indtil videre:

Vi har netop lanceret vores månedlige giveaway. Vinderne vil blive listet her, efterhåndens som de kåres.


Vilkår og betingelser:

Must be 18+ and reside in Denmark. By entering, participants confirm that they are legally capable of entering into a binding agreement under Danish law. Prize: One pair of Victory Pants including shipping (value: 1048 DKK). The prize cannot be substituted for a different product or exchanged for money. One winner will be randomly chosen every month from new Champions Club members. Winners will be announced in the first week of each month, contacted directly, and listed at Winners must claim their prize in writing within 7 days of being contacted. Failure to claim the prize within the allotted time will result in forfeiture. Shipping: Standard ground shipping is included for the prize within Denmark. Winners are responsible for any taxes, duties, or other financial obligations arising from the prize. Victory Pants is not liable for any damages, losses, or injuries arising from the acceptance, possession, or use of the prize. Any disputes arising from or related to this promotion will be governed by Danish law and must be resolved in the courts of Denmark. Victory Pants reserves the right to modify, cancel, or suspend this promotion at any time, for any reason, without prior notice.
